
Getting the most out of your vocal sessions is essential. If you are working on your first record, the process is likely to hit at least a few road bumps if you haven’t done your homework. Here at The Record Shop, we make sure we handle all Record Production to enhance your vocal session experience. Here are some tips on what you can do to get the most out of your vocal sessions.

Learn the song in advance

Lyricists may continue making changes to their songs minutes before they begin their vocal session, but if you have your song ready, it helps if the vocalist is familiar with the song in advance. Not only does it save a lot of time if the vocalist knows the lyrics by heart, but the quality of the recording will also come out better. If you don’t know a song, you may end up constantly moving your head to look to and away from the lyrics sheet and not end up singing into the microphone element. 

Practice before your vocal session

Remember not to take practice sessions too seriously, especially if you’re not actually practicing in the recording studio. No two venues are the same, so the acoustics are going to vary. However, what you should focus on is the melodic range so that you know you are able to hit all the right notes, as high or low as they may be.

Avoid dehydrating agents

How frustrating would it be if you spent a good dollar on a vocal session at a recording studio only to have to sing with a notably dry throat? Very. That is why it is so important that you avoid any food and drinks that dehydrate your throat at least six hours before your appointment. A dry throat may prevent you from hitting the right notes in your vocal session. 


Those are just some things you should handle on your end. We can help you out with all the technical aspects of vocal sessions at The Record Shop Nashville. Just leave us a message and we will do everything we can to make your vocal sessions perfect.